Vermin Supreme is possibly the nuttiest man to ever to be involved in politics in the United states (beside Sarah Palin, obviously). He first came into light when a video of him at the "Lesser-Known Democratic Candidates Presidential Fourum" went viral on You Tube.
At the forum, Vermin Surprme announced some of his major polices. Some of which include a mandatory tooth brushing law to rid America of decaying teeth and a Free Pony for every American to move America into a "Pony based Economy" and releve the reliance on Foreign oil. He also plans to use Zombies as a alternate clean energy source. After announcing his polices, he went to gillterbomb fellow candidate Randall Terry claiming Jesus told him to turn Terry gay.
Upon closer inspection, analysis and research (otherwise known as Googling the words "Vermin Supreme") You would find that he is a "American performance artist" and a "political activist" who is known for being a "satirical candidate" in various local elections.
People as nutty and witty as Vermin Supreme add a little bit of comedy and light-heartedness to what would have been are extremely boring presidential race. Lets just not all vote for him as a joke, or we will really be screwed.
it's a marvelous christmas